Catalogue Musique GB 2023

38 MUSICAL INITIATION COLORZIK AUDIO BOOKS PLAY MUSIC BODY PERCUSSIONS AUDIO BOOKS Body tap Hand, fingers, feet and knees Guillaume Saint-James Julia Saint-James Body Raga - Body Samba - Body Groovy - Body Swing CD-booklet (28 pages - Size 17 x 22 cm) BODY TAP Audio extracts By using only the body to produce sounds, actions and musical thinking begin to take form. Here, it’s all to do with perceiving music physically and experiencing it by memorizing and orally transmitting it. The key purpose of this work is to develop attention, memory, creativity and sensitivity in a fun-filled group atmosphere. It’s a practical way of making pupils aware of “listening to one another” and of the idea of sharing. The four works propose for orchestras have been specially created to learn the fundamental elements of rhythmic language without the need for any theoretical knowledge. Progressive rhythmic exercises are proposed to help prepare the 4 works. On the audio CD, each work exists with a playback version for classroom work and additional tracks where rhythmic fragments to be remembered are extracted. Thisworkhasbeendevelopedtobeusedwiththe CD.Thescorescanbereadduringasecondphase. The booklet also offers you the opportunity to initiate pupils in writing via a workshop. 8 musical works to learn about body percussion Easy to implement ColorZik Pianot’ From the age of 7 Colorzik Pianot ‘is a book-CD that proposes to play modern pieces with the Pianot’; its color coding system allows beginners to play the titles without knowing the music theory. Colorzik Pianot ‘offers two levels of play «easy or expert» and a progressive learning to interpret each piece Réf. 78074 ColorZik Special Hits • 5 known titles: Baby one more time (Britney Spears), Call me (Blondie), I will survive (Gloria Gaynor), Only you (The Platters), Stayin ’alive (Bee Gees). • 1 CD 30 tracks. • Quality support carried out with acoustic instruments. • 5 XXL partitions format 60x34 cm • 1WEB link for implementation, 1 tutorial Réf. 78190 SPECIAL HITS Classic metallonotes Minimetallonotes Boomwhackers Method for playing music easily, alone or with others 5 PARTITIONS TO PLAY WITH: FROM 7 YEARS + CD Musical bells Le spécialiste de l’éveil musical Tous droits duproducteur phonographiqueet du propriétaire del’œuvre enregistrée réservés, sauf autorisation. Laduplication, lalocation, le prêt, l’utilisationde cedisquepour l’exécutionpubliqueet radiodiffusion sont interdits. Fabriqué par MPO France Réf. 78153 SPÉCIAL HITS Le spécialiste de l’éveil musical SPECIAL HITS J1 J2 J1 J2 J3 A D B C SEQUENCE OF PARTS Ax2 A B C B C Call me Blondie F A B C D E G D G E F C A B PAUSE Cx2 Dx2 Le spécialiste de l’éveil musical T o u s dr oi t s dupr odu c t e u r ph on o gr a ph i qu ee t dupr opr i é t a i r edel ’ œu v r ee n r e gi s t r é er é s e r v é s , s a u f a u t or i s a t i o n . L adu pl i c a t i o n , l al o c a t i on , l epr ê t , l ’ u t i l i s a t i ondec edi s qu epo u r l ’ e x é c u t i o npu bl i qu ee t r a di odi ff u s i o ns on t i n t e r di t s . Fabriqué par MPO France Réf. 78153 SPÉCIAL HITS Le spécialiste de l’éveil musical Play the notes according to the colours indicated on the score Divide up the notes Full version : track 7 of the CD Backing track version : track 12 du CD I FIND COLORZIK ONLINE AT https : // • Tutorial for implementation • Musical accompaniment to the nursery rhyme • ColorZik Scores • Original Scores C D E F G A B C T o T o Tu s dr oi t s dupr odu c t e u r o r u e i ns on t i n t e r di t s . D SPECIAL HITS Full version : track 1 of the CD Backing track version : track 6 du CD C D E F G A B C Play the notes according to the colours indicated on the score D E B C J1 C F G A J2 C F G A J1 D G J2 MI SI DO J3 A D B C SEQUENCE OF PARTS A A B C D I FIND COLORZIK ONLINE AT https : // • Tutorial for implementation • Musical accompaniment to the nursery rhyme • ColorZik Scores • Original Scores T o u s dr oi t s du pr odu c t e u r ph on ogr a ph i qu e e t du pr opr i é t a i r e de l ’ œu v r e e n r e gi s t r é e r é s e r v é s , s a u f a u t or i s a t i on . L a du pl i c a t i o n , l a l o c a t i on , l e pr ê t , l ’ u t i l i s a t i on de c e di s qu e po u r l ’ e x é c u t i o n pu bl i qu e e t r a di odi ff u s i on s on t i n t e r di t s . Fabriqué par MPO France Réf. 78153 SPÉCIAL HITS Le spécialiste de l’éveil musical Baby One More Time Britney Spears Cx2 Le spécialiste de l’éveil musical Divide up the notes Ref. 9972 Playing modern melodies on quality accompaniment, what could be more motivating !? Even when you don’t knowmusic theory, «Colorzik-hits» is THE solution to impress friends! “Colorzik-hits” presents 5 modern titles, known to all, and easy to play; The scores, format XXL 60x34 cm, offer a color coding referring to the notes of our instruments (Boomwhackers, bells, mini-metallonotes,…). The 5 titles: Baby one more time, I will survive, Only you, Call me, Stayin ’alive. The CD includes around thirty tracks with “very rock!” Recordings. »Of the 5 songs,their Play-Back versions, and learning tracks for smooth appropriation. At the bottom of each partition, a WEB link invites you to find a tutorial to help setting work as well as all sound tracks and partitions. So, whether alone or with others, playing Hits with our colorful instruments is a pleasure that makes its effect!