Catalogue Musique GB 2023

25 Le spécialiste de l’éveil musical PERCUSSIONS WIND INSTRUMENTS DRUM, PIANOS UKULELE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Ref. 78082 Ref. 78290 Ref. 78080 Roll battery Transportable electronic battery. Find all the sounds of a battery ... transportable! Supplied with headphones, sticks and pedal, this drum set offers ten percussions, a selection of musical styles and a recording function. Giant roll piano Giant and flexible piano keyboard Walking, running or dancing on a piano offers children another approach to this keyboard instrument This soft carpet, with colorful notes will be a real tool to enrich the sound awakening of the youngest. 49-key roll piano 49-key electronic and portable scrolling piano keyboard. Easy to transport, the roll up piano can be placed on all flat surfaces. Made from silicone, the keys are very pleasant to play. Multiple tones and demo music are available. Color Ukulele A real instrument, this ukulele is suitable for both young and old and allows you to learn music quickly and intuitively. Aquila Nylgut strings. Delivered with cover. Practical, economical and transportable ! Ref. Natural wood 71168 Ref. red 71170 Ref. blue 71176