20 PERCUSSIONS METALLONOTES 086,&$/ INSTRUMENTS Must-have From the age of 3 7KHVH PLQL PHWDOORQRWHV DUH GHVLJQHG WR ÷ W WKH VPDOO KDQGV RI children perfectly. Using the colours, children can easily identify the NH\V DQG EHJLQ OHDUQLQJ DERXW PXVLF JHQWO\ &KLOGUHQ SOD\ WKHLU ÷ UVW tunes with an instrument which offers excellent musical quality! The mini-metallonotes is light and easy to transport thanks to its carry-case with handle. Children will take it everywhere they go! 8 keys from C5 to C6* Presented in a transparent plastic case and comes complete with 2 beaters. The + • The individual keys offer children the opportunity to become acquainted with the key to be learnt and which can be held in the hand. • The case makes scale-focused minimetallonotes storage easier. Audio extracts MINI-METALLONOTES Transportable coloured keys Video extract Ref. 8288 Presentation video F U Z E A U L I N E